Athyrium otophorum ‘Okanum’ – This lovely deer-resistant evergreen fern is so unique that it is actually recognizable from a distance. Anyone that observes Wine and Lime fern during spring cannot help but fall in love with its fresh pale green, plastic-like young fronds with burgundy stipes and rachises contrast against the red-maroon stems.
Grows well under low to medium light in moist to moist-wet but not wet well-drained garden soil or potting mix. If the plant doesn’t get enough water, the leaves will appear to scorch and die, even in shade.
Even in colder climates, this species maintains its fronds well into cold weather.
This plant is very suitable for gardens with several mature trees and shrubs. Requires a place with full shade between or near trees or shrubs. This plant is easy to combine with “forest edge plants” on a moist soil. Does not proliferate.
It is an excellent plant for adding refreshing color to shaded woodlands.
It is distinctive looking during the entire growing season. Mature fronds are a medium dusky gray-green but keep the dark red frond axes. It dies down to the ground after first frost in fall, and re-emerges in spring. Also looks great in a container.